
Archive for January, 2012

111-9081By: Keith Joyce
VP / Operations

I grew up in Mayodan, NC… a small textile-mill town about 30 miles from Winston-Salem.  We lived in a small frame house – formerly a “mill” house (owned by the mill and rented to an employee) – that we rented from my mom’s father.  About a mile away in the heart of town was my father’s family home… right across the street from the ball park.  The front porch was high enough off the ground that you could sit on the porch and watch the game from your rocking chair – for free – quite a benefit in the mid-1950’s when every town and/or cotton mill had a baseball team and the rivalries were intense.  My dad “moonlighted” from his day job by playing baseball for the grand sum of $15 per game, pretty good money in an era where many mill hands were lucky to make $40-$50 per week.

Baseball didn’t, of course, provide year-round entertainment – but technology was about to step in and cure that situation.  In 1956, my aunt and uncle bought my grandmother a television set.  I can remember it so well…a tall wooden cabinet with a beautiful finish…and a twelve-inch screen.  With a massive outdoor antenna that looked like something off a battleship, you could get THREE channels…one fairly clear, one so-so, and one that looked pretty much like the North Pole in a blizzard all the time –all three in stunning black- and -white.  If the guy next door was using his ham (shortwave) radio, you could forget seeing ANYTHING.

Grandma’s TV was the talk of the town… there wouldn’t have been much more curiosity if the Martians had landed.  Always one to enjoy company, my grandmother didn’t mind- at first -when “company” began to pile into the living room on Saturday night.  They hadn’t come to visit – they were there to sit with mouths agape and stare at Ed Sullivan or Jack Benny on that tiny, snowy screen.  Grandma soon grumbled that she might start selling tickets… it wasn’t unusual for “visitors” to pull the porch rockers in front of the windows and watch from outside if the living room was full… Imagine it – the living room walls lined with people and faces peering voyeur-like through the front windows.  Eventually the blinds were drawn and admittance to the living room was by invitation only – Grandma had had enough.

Quite a contrast with today, isn’t it?  Many of us don’t even KNOW our neighbors – much less allow them to invade our privacy every weekend night for months and months.  And, of course, we don’t stare at tiny, fuzzy black-and- white images…we watch our shows in vivid color on giant screens with pictures so lifelike it sometimes feels like we’re IN the picture.  That big, heavy TV cabinet is gone as well – but you still have to put that brand-new LCD or plasma on something, and Bowen Town & Country Furniturehas just the thing.  We’re the specialists for home entertainment furniture in Winston-Salem – from simple cabinets for small televisions to complete wall systems that will house the biggest screen you can buy and amazingly comfortable home theater seating – we’re the guys

Come see us today at Bowen Town & Country Furniture. We are located at 1910 Mooney Street, off Stratdford Road…near Hanes Mall.

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Based on the average age of the bedding in most homes, the answer is probably “Yes.”  Over the years the public has become convinced that if a mattress has a 20-year warranty, they HAVE to sleep on it for 20 years.  This is not wise – the “comfort life” of most mattresses is ten to twelve years – so don’t wait until you’re losing sleep to replace your old one.  Remember one more thing – while you may sleep better and be more comfortable on a new mattress – a new bed cannot cure physical problems.  If you have a bad back -and many of us do – a new bed won’t cure it.  Don’t expect a mattress to perform miracles.

I mentioned a 20-year warranty in the previous section.  Let’s talk about warranties for a few minutes. First of all, warranties cover defects in materials and workmanship.  You may find one or two brands out there with a “sleep guarantee” or “comfort guarantee” but they are few and far between.  If you CAN send back and uncomfortable bed, there is likely to be a fee which can be as much as two or three hundred dollars.

Most major brands stick to the “defect” requirement for the warranty to apply and there are strict guidelines as to what comprises a defect.  Loose threads and seams usually aren’t covered.  Bedding with insufficient support from the bed itself is not covered. (Stains invalidate warranties too, so be sure to use a quality mattress cover.)  Broken springs or loose components inside the bed are covered.  The most common complaint about mattresses is the dreaded “body impression.”  Before we go any further, please understand that all mattresses -other than “memory foam” ones – are going to get SOME degree of impression on the sleep surface.

Just as a new pair of shoes conforms to your feet, a new mattress must conform to your body.  Those layers of padding which provide comfort must “settle” with use.  A bed that is too hard to conform to your body cannot give proper support and therefore can’t be comfortable.  Bedding manufacturers recognize that EXCESSIVE body impressions –  permanent ones over an inch and a half deep- do constitute defects.  Want to test your bed?  Stretch a string with weighted ends over your mattress and measure the distance from the string to the surface of the bed, but not in a low spot n in the quilting.  If it’s over 1.5 inches, you may have a warranty claim.

Okay…you’ve checked your bed and it doesn’t have a “covered” impression.  You don’t rest well, you toss and turn, your back hurts in the morning.  Time for a new one…but where do you go?  The guys selling them out of a truck on the side of the road are a bad bet…you’ll get what you paid for – a cheap bed -and they’ll be long gone when it caves in.  The big boxes have brand names at good prices, but you won’t get any help with the selection and you’ll have to figure out how to get it home…and get rid of the old one.

Your best bet for the right mattress is a reputable retailer – one who carries good merchandise and stands behind it after the sale.  Odds are that you’ll find qualified, trained sales associates who can help you make the right choice.  Read the warranty card before you buy so there are no surprises later. You don’t have to pay a fortune, but money spent on the right mattress and foundation is an investment in your health.  There is very little more important to our well-being than a good night’s sleep.

A good merchant will not only help you select the right sleep surface; normally they will provide delivery and setup for free or at a reasonable price.  They’ll usually carry away the old bedding for you – and in the course of the delivery they can check your bed to be sure it provides sufficient support for your new bedding.  Pleasant dreams!

Come see us today at Bowen Town & Country Furniture. We are located at 1910 Mooney Street, off Stratdford Road…near Hanes Mall.

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By: Keith Joyce
VP of Operations

My grandfather used to joke that the Civil War isn’t really over… that the Confederacy is just taking a break.  Well, we all know that isn’t the case… and while we may kid around about it, we also know that the North had the moral high ground in that war.  Forget all the romanticism about the Lost Cause… the war was the worst the US has ever been involved in and we should all be glad it turned out like it did.

If granddad was still around, I could tease him that the Yankees are coming back today… not dressed in blue and led by General Sherman, but led by some of the finest furniture I’ve seen in my 31+ years in this industry.  We got notice yesterday that our order of casual dining furniture from Palettes by Winesburg will arrive in our warehouses in the next week, straight from Ohio.  I wrote briefly about Winesburg a while back, but my writing abilities aren’t equal to the task of describing this fine American-made furniture.  Crafted from solid cherry, maple and oak, the quality has to be seen to be appreciated.

We’ll have it on display around mid-January… and we can’t wait to show it to you!

Come see us today at Bowen Town & Country Furniture. We are located at 1910 Mooney Street, off Stratdford Road…near Hanes Mall.

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stressless winston-salemBy: Keith Joyce
VP of Operations

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Ekornes’ Charity Promotion… the annual opportunity to save $200 off the minimum retail price of a Stressless chair and ottoman in return for a $50 donation to Hospice and Palliative Care Center here in Winston-Salem.

The Charity Promotion is the “best deal” in my opinion of all the quarterly promotions they offer… you get to keep real cash in your pocket rather than getting an accessory item that you may or may not want or need.  It’s not going to last much longer, though… the last day to take advantage of this promotion is January 16, 2012.

Now for the kicker… Ekornes is having a price increase February 1.  The increase will probably be $50 to $100 per chair, so that $200 savings could actually be as much as $300 over the price a few weeks from now.  If you’ve been thinking about one of these great Norwegian recliners, now’s the time.  They will never be cheaper than they are right now!

Come in today and pick out YOUR ideal chair!  We’ll be happy to advise you. We are located at 1910 Mooney Street, off Stratdford Road…near Hanes Mall.

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